Saving Draft Edits Become Easy with Instagram’s New Feature

instagramsInstagram finally rolled out its latest update to introduce its new feature. Now users will be able to save unfinished posts as a draft and can publish it later.

Till now, users have to perform a couple of things to save an edit, such as putting the mobile device on an airplane mode, and then edit it to make the post live. Although this technique can save the post, it doesn’t make it public.

Instagram is one of the most popular Photo-sharing platforms on the web. It has gained a lot of popularity all around the world and that is the reason why it keeps on launching new features for their end users. Earlier this month, the platform rolled out a keyword moderation tool that lets users control the comment posted on their image posts. This is an amazing feature that allows people to list words that seem to be offensive, abusive or inappropriate. One can hide those comments from their posts.

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With the introduction of this new feature, users can now save the drafts of edits and come back to it later whenever they want to. It is a simple and easy-to-use feature. All you need to do is take/upload an image to Instagram and start editing it. And, when you click the back arrow on the Edit screen, an option will pop up to ask you whether you want to save draft or discard it. Hitting Save Draft will save your edits and next time you click the camera in Instagram, there will be the same edited image waiting for you to post it live. Isn’t it super-easy?

The save draft edits feature is now available for both Android and iOS users. So, what are you waiting for? Update your Instagram app as soon as possible.

The feature should already be live for both iOS and Android users, so update the app to give it a go for yourself.

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